Format Text
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Format Text
This document is PenCake's Markdown user guide. Text formatting is supported since PenCake 3.10.
PenCake uses Markdown to format text. Markdown is a language that you can add formatting elements to plain text using symbols. Markdown makes formatting quick and easy.
In PenCake, for more flexible and intuitive formatting, some commonly used Markdown syntax has been modified. Therefore, the Markdown syntax below is only compatible with PenCake.
Text Styles
This is **bold text**. Love**and**peace
Plain Text
This is bold text.
This is //italicized text//. Love//and//peace
Plain Text
This is italicized text.
Bold and Italic
This is //**bold and italicized**// text. This text is **//really important**//. Love**//and//**peace
Plain Text
This is bold and italicized text.
This text is really important.
This is __underlined text__. Love__and__peace
Plain Text
This is underlined text.
~~The world is flat.~~ We now know that the world is round. Love~~and~~peace
Plain Text
The world is flat. We now know that the world is round.
This is ==highlighted== text. We now know that ==the world is round==. Love==and==peace
Plain Text
This is highlighted text.
We now know that the world is round.
Combination of Styles
This is ==//**__~~also available__~~**//==. The **==__symbols’ order==**__ does not matter. ==It is possible to __cross-specify== different styles__.
Plain Text
This is also available.
The symbols’ order does not matter.
It is possible to cross-specify different styles.
  Don’t do this
Text styles must not have spaces right next to the inside of the symbols.
This is ** bold text**. This is //italicized text //. Really //** very **// important text
Plain Text
# Heading level 1 ## Heading level 2 ### Heading level 3
Plain Text
Heading level 1
Heading level 2
Heading level 3
Horizontal rule
Plain Text
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 🙂 pencake.app@gmail.com
This document was created by referring to markdownguide.org.